Thursday, September 9, 2010

983M34 Conclave on Phobos

The room was cold and dark. A table had been setup in the center of the largest room on the station. Even so, it was only about ten paces from one end to the other. Four chairs were placed around the small, round table. Biologious Majoris Supremea Darwinius pulled out a chair and sat down. He adjusted his blue robes, smoothing out the wrinkles. He was no stranger to waiting, and was well practiced.
Next to arrive was High Techpriest Autorus, third only to the Fabricator General of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Darwinius nodded to Autorus. Autorus nodded back, sharing a common bond of the brotherhood of Mars. The techpriest's spider-like appendages quietly clicking as he scuttled across the deck to sit across from the Majoris.
The smell of incense arrived a full minute before Cardnial Shadom Thor Petoia. The Cardinal was preceded by two cyber-cherubs carrying the censors. After circling the room once the cherubs retreated to the Cardinals shuttle. The two scions of Mars made the sign of the Aquila and bowed slightly to the Cardinal, as was to be expected as a representative of the Ecclesiarchy. The Cardinal sat in the chair closest to the entrance he arrived through.
No sooner had the High Cardinal sat than four armed guards entered the chamber. they quickly took up positions in each of the four corners. A moment later in strode High Lord Marlethep, Master of the Administratum. One of the guards nodded and all four guards marched out past the High Lord of Terra. Marlethep sat in the final chair.
"I thought we agreed to no weapons." said Cardinal Pretoria.
"We had agreed to only us four, no subordinates, servitors, weapons, or recording devices." intoned the speaker grill of the Techpriest, turning to look at the Cardinal who had broken the agreement first by bringing in the cherub-servitors.
"None the less, we are all here." said the Biologious, "Shall we begin?" All heads nodded in approval.
"The Imperium is at a unique point in history. The past millinium has, Emperor be praised, been free of a Black Crusade. Yes, there has been constant raids and uprisings from the traitors, as well as Xenos attacks. But, the Mechanicum's valt of Adptus Astartes' geneseed tithes is at the highest level it has been since the days of the Great Crusade. The Emperor's Tarot fortells that the 36th millinium will be a time of great conflict. The Imperium will need all of its strength. It is our proposal that we embark on a crusade of our own. A preemptive crusade! A crusade of creation. We suggest no less than nine foundings of space marines, encompassing one hundred new chapters."
"A hundred chapters! That's equivilent to a whole space marine legion! It can't be done!" scoffed Cardinal Pretoira.
"I believe that it can be done." said Darwinius. "The Adeptus Biologious is confident that we could accomplish this."
"The Lords, Mechanicus," buzzed out of Techpriest Autorus' vox grill, "are prepared to turn the forges of Mars to equiping this endevor."
"What of the Imperial Guard and Navy's needs?" asked Marlethep.
The room was silent for about a minute. "Tithes would need to be raised on other forgewolds to compensate." stated Cardinal Pretoria matter of factly. Then hesitently suggested, "The Ecclesiarchy could be a great help in propligating the, correct, view that it is an honor to provide this sacrifice."
"I see," said High Lord Marlethep, "and what would be desired of the Administratum?"
"Initially, to approve this project." said Darwinius with false humility. "The administration would need to commission the Naval yards to produce space marine cruisers and battle barges for the new chapters. The administratum would also need to contact the High Command of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Guard to smooth over any ruffled feathers."
"The four of us would also need to find volunteers for the culturing of the geneseed."
"I believe the Church of Terra could be most helpful in this." Pretoria said with a smile creeping across his face.
"We would need to approach space marine chapters, that would be sympathetic to our cause. These chapters would need to be tapped for training the canidates. I believe that, each of us should approach the chapters we feel will be most helpful." Darwinius said.


Greetings. This blog was created to help me stop procrastinating and motivate me to put some of this story down.

This story is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It concerns the creation of and stories of the Knights of Gryphonne, a Space Marine chapter.

 Please note that this blog may not be in order, so you will want to note the in-universe date. The date format is: cccyyyMmm. That is c=100th of a year, y=year, m=millennium.